Wednesday, April 13, 2011

here we go!

so i decided this week after many years of tossing around the idea of starting a blog, that i myself would create my own. i have been an avid follower of many blogs for some time now, and seen most of them develop and become something wonderful, something so wonderful i have to check many of them multiple times a day. i am a lover of so many things {fashion/design/food/drinking/travel/DIYs/exercise} that this may begin as a schizophrenic notebook, of not necessarily items or things i happen to have or have done, but more of a running list of life tasks. so bear with me as i develop it. and i hope you enjoy it... and once i get started i would love your feedback!

a little about myself:
26 years old.
youngest of three girls.
interior designer.
post-college jock.
quick learner.
sports fanatic.
music lover.
clothes horse.
magazine reader.
list maker.

so... wish me luck! :)